Erin Loves Coasters

This website was created in 2020 to document my love of amusement parks and roller coasters. Last updated in June 2023.

About Erin:

I have considered myself a coaster enthusiast since 2006, when I rode Rock 'n' Roller Coaster for the first time on a family trip to Walt Disney World. My dad also enjoys coasters a lot, and I credit him with both convincing me to ride big coasters at a young age and encouraging me to start this website. Currently, I have ridden 275 different roller coasters in the USA, Canada, and England! I hold many unpopular opinions when compared to the general consensus of the enthusiast community, as I value speed, inversions, smoothness, pacing, and airtime (preferably floater) most when I rank and review rides. Outside of coasters, I am a high school math tutor turned teacher. I love my two adorable dogs, reading mystery books, and playing the euphonium.